Sunday, 30 December 2018

2018 - What The Fuck Was That

It’s time to say goodbye and good riddance to 2018. I took a different approach to this year, knowing I wanted it to be different to the rest. I decided that I would keep track of every time something majorly good or bad happened to me, to see if good periods would follow bad ones, or if any sort of pattern would approach. I wanted to see whether more good or bad things would happen in the year, so I could really determine whether 2018 was a ‘good’ year for me.

              I didn’t get the results I wanted unfortunately - the bad things far outweighed the good, with my only major positives either being academic ones, and passing my driving test. The first difficulty of the year was having a grandparent pass away. Up until this year, I’d never lost a family member, or anyone close to me for that matter. I lost my Nana at the beginning of the year, and then lost my Grandad in Summer. Whilst this is of course sad, I did what I always do to deal with emotion, and just kept busy. The night my Nana died, I went to a concert, and then went into work the next day. I know when someone dies and you have fun, people tell you not to feel bad about having fun because its “what they would have wanted”, but when they passed, I wasn’t thinking of them, I was thinking about myself. I was thinking about what was next for me. It was probably a terrible thing to do, and I’ve probably internalised a lot of emotion, but I’m not a family person and didn’t have many memories of my grandparents that passed, so it honestly didn’t impact me that much. I feel guilty, and like I should have been hurt by this more, but I wasn’t. The thing that made it difficult was my parents being upset. It made for some difficult times in 2018.

              All in all, when I wrote down each thing that happened, whether good or bad, it seemed like such a massive deal at the time, and looking back now, it all seems so irrelevant. I’m no longer hurt by any of the bad things that happened, but also no longer particularly happy about any of the good things that happened either. Maybe it’s good that I’ve learnt to move on from everything, but it seems an awful big shame that I feel entirely neutral to a whole year of my life.

              Saying that, I think if ‘beginning of 2018’ Hannah could see ‘end of 2018’ Hannah, she’d be happy. I’ve got all my university offers and know exactly where I want to be next year. I’ve worked hard and gotten good grades. I have the supportive group of friends that I needed all along. I’ve managed to keep my mental health afloat (just about at times). I’ve learnt to value kindness above anything else in the world, and that if something isn’t right, you need to change it. I've learnt to always trust my gut feeling.  I’m probably more optimistic now that I was at the beginning of the year, and I think that’s what keeps me going. I’m ending 2018 admitting that it wasn’t smooth sailing, but knowing that I had some really fucking happy times. I’m happy now, and I’ve got big plans for 2019.

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