I feel that the older I get, the more sentimental I become.
I now keep a memory jar filled with old concert and train tickets. I save ALL
my Instagram stories month by month so I can watch back over them. I love keeping
memories (especially as my own memory is so shit) and I love writing, so I thought
it would be nice to look over my past month. I know this year is going to go
extremely quickly and so I don’t want to forget any of it! Without further ado,
here is my September books, films and places…
I’m actually being a bit of a liar by saying I read this in
September, as I actually started it waayyy back in July, but I FINALLY finished
it in September! This 800 page whopper was not an easy one to get through, but
I am so glad I did! If you know me, you’ll know that I love nothing more in a
novel than a strong female protagonist, and Anna was everything I could have
wanted and more. She could command a room, get away with so much shit and make
everyone fall in love with her – basically how I’m trying to be. This is definitely
a book I’d like to read again at some point in my life, so it can grow with me.
Maybe I’ll read it in 5 years and absolutely hate Anna, but for the meantime,
this book is deeply ingrained in my heart.
After taking around 2 months to read Anna Karenina, I feel I
redeemed myself by reading this book in a day! I smashed through it on my way
to and from Birmingham earlier this month, so if you don’t get car sick, car
journeys are a really good time to read! This book detailed sexual assault and
weight issues in a way I didn’t think was possible. Having suffered an eating
disorder, this book was extremely real to me. Despite dealing with such challenging
topics, it was so easy to read. It felt like a conversation with a friend, and opened
my eyes to weight issues other than my own that people are forced to deal with on
a daily basis. If you’ve had to deal with sexual assault or weight issues in your
life, or you’re just open minded and looking to understand other people’s
struggles, I’d strongly recommend this book.
This was one of the only books I’ve read in my life that has
genuinely shocked me, and so I can only imagine how it must have gone off when
it was first published in 1970. Parts are very explicit, and even pornographic,
so I was always very conscious of anyone looking over my shoulder while I was
reading it on public transport. Whilst I definitely do not agree with a lot of
what Greer argues, it helped me to understand my own feminist beliefs a little
bit more, and appreciate how far feminism has come. Unfortunately, I didn’t love
this book.
I’ve actually read this book before and studied it in quite deep detail as I’m writing about it for my English coursework. The first time I read it I thought it was fucking fabulous, and it really excited me, although I did expect it to be a little more gory and have a slightly more complex plot – I think I liked it so much because it was a very easy read though. This time, it excited me far less, and I think that’s because the shock factor wasn’t there, and I’d researched all of it in such detail that I didn’t feel there were many stones left unturned. It is a very easy read, and you can get through it in a couple hours, so it definitely wasn’t a waste of time going over it once more.
I’ve actually read this book before and studied it in quite deep detail as I’m writing about it for my English coursework. The first time I read it I thought it was fucking fabulous, and it really excited me, although I did expect it to be a little more gory and have a slightly more complex plot – I think I liked it so much because it was a very easy read though. This time, it excited me far less, and I think that’s because the shock factor wasn’t there, and I’d researched all of it in such detail that I didn’t feel there were many stones left unturned. It is a very easy read, and you can get through it in a couple hours, so it definitely wasn’t a waste of time going over it once more.
I’d seen this film before, but it has got to be one of my favourites.
I love the music, I love Simon (pun not intended) and I love the humour. Sure, its
not a cinematic masterpiece, but its cute as hell and just makes you feel good.
Definitely a film I could watch 100 times over.

This is a film I have watched 100 times over. That may be an
exaggeration, but I did watch it 5 times at the cinema (Cineworld unlimited is
the ONE). I’m still not sick of it though, and I’d go so far as to say I like it
more than the first film. The songs are EVERYTHING, Lily James is EVERYTHING and
Cher really had us all shook. Although I’m pretty sure I know the entire script
now, I will never tire of it.
If I said I didn’t just want to watch this film because Chloe
Moretz was in it, I’d be lying. Whilst this wasn’t the best film I’ve ever seen,
it definitely wasn’t the worst. I liked some of the characters and I liked the
message of the film. The ending was the biggest let down of the 21st
century, but I’d still probably watch this film again.

Was it scary? No. Was it good? Kinda. Was it interesting and
watchable? I’d say so! I definitely feel like more could have been done with it,
but considering how shit horror films can be, it wasn’t too bad. Wouldn’t be in
a rush to watch it again.

Blake Lively could stab me and I’d say thank you. Remember
what I said earlier about loving a strong female protagonist? Blake Lively gave
this. Whilst the plot was a little ??? at times, I did enjoy this film. It was
kind of similar to Gone Girl, which made me wish I was just watching Gone Girl
instead, but it was still good. Blake Lively and Henry Golding have got to be two
of the most attractive people on planet earth.

Well I’m scared of the ocean now. Whilst this film wasn’t necessarily
my cup of tea, I still enjoyed it. I was particularly excited to see Ruby Rose
in this as I have a MASSIVE crush on her but she was kinda meh. Li Bingbing and
Jessica McNamee were fabulous however. I probably wouldn’t watch this film
again. Maybe I’ll go swimming with sharks one day though.

My lovely friend Oonagh and I went to the Globe one Friday
evening to watch the Taming of the Shrew. I’ve been to the Globe before and I
love it, but I didn’t know what to expect from The Taming of the Shrew. Turns
out it was brilliant and HILARIOUS – which I definitely didn’t expect. The
acting was fabulous and it’s just a great play, and I had a wonderful evening.
I embarked on this lovely trip at the beginning of the month
with my parents for the day, Tino and Eva (thanks guys). I actually went up to
do a speaking competition, which was some scary shit. Despite the fact that I didn’t
win, it was a really wonderful experience, and Hannah 3 years ago wouldn’t have
believed you if you told her she’d be out doing shit like that. The only bits
of Manchester I got to see were the train station and conference centre, but
the people were really lovely and I think that says a lot about a city.
The general life plan is that a year from now I’m going to end
up at university, and so off me and my Dad popped to the University of Birmingham.
It has an amazing campus and English course, and they have a Starbucks on
campus which is just across from the library, so I can definitely see myself
feeling at home there.
Again, I dragged my Dad along to look at the University of
Sussex. I’ve always loved Brighton and so was very excited at the prospect of going
to university just outside of that wonderful city. The campus was very small
and cosy compared to Birmingham, and so it felt really different, but still
felt like it could be a home to me one day. After looking round the campus and
eating cake with my wonderful friend Amber (hello if you find your way to this
post), Dad and I went into Brighton. We wandered round the lanes and ate vegan ice
cream by the beach. The highlight however was DEFINTELY the fucking
ridiculously amazing pizza at Purezza. This is seriously the best vegan food I’ve
EVER had and I’m VERY happy that they also have a location in London, which I
hope to visit ASAP. I had a great time in Brighton, and I’m currently
salivating thinking about that goddamn beautiful pizza.
So that’s pretty much my September! I am hoping to write one
of these little summaries every month, as it’s always nice to get nostalgic,
even if it is about stuff that only happened a few weeks ago. I hope every one
else had a lovely September, and like me you’re getting reading for AUTUMN!!!!
Lots of love x